Economic Agreement Examples: Understanding Trade Agreements

In today`s global economy, countries are increasingly interconnected and interdependent. As a result, economic agreements have become an important aspect of international relations. Economic agreements are legal agreements between two or more countries that govern the terms of trade and commerce between them. These agreements are designed to promote economic growth by reducing barriers to trade, increasing investment, and creating a more stable business environment. In this article, we will discuss some popular economic agreement examples and how they work.

Free Trade Agreement

One of the most common types of economic agreements is the free trade agreement (FTA). FTAs are designed to eliminate tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers between participating countries. This creates a more open trading environment that encourages trade and investment. One example of an FTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which was signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States in 1994. NAFTA has helped to increase trade between these countries and has made it easier for businesses to operate across borders.

Customs Union

A customs union is a type of economic agreement that involves the elimination of internal tariffs and the establishment of a common external tariff. Essentially, this means that member countries agree to charge the same tariffs on goods imported from outside the union. The European Union (EU) is an example of a customs union. The EU`s common external tariff helps to protect member countries from outside competition and supports the growth of the EU economy.

Common Market

A common market goes beyond a customs union by also allowing for the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people between member countries. This creates a more integrated economic environment and allows businesses to operate seamlessly across borders. The EU is also an example of a common market, which has helped to create a single market for goods and services across member countries.

Bilateral Investment Treaty

A bilateral investment treaty (BIT) is an economic agreement between two countries that is designed to protect and promote foreign investment. BITs typically include provisions that protect investors from expropriation, ensure fair treatment, and provide access to dispute resolution mechanisms. These agreements help to promote foreign investment by providing investors with greater certainty and protection. One example of a BIT is the UK-US Investment Treaty, which was signed in 2001 and has helped to promote investment between the two countries.


Economic agreements have become an important aspect of international relations in today`s global economy. They are designed to promote economic growth by reducing barriers to trade, increasing investment, and creating a more stable business environment. Some popular economic agreement examples include free trade agreements, customs unions, common markets, and bilateral investment treaties. By understanding these agreements, we can gain a better understanding of how countries are working together to create a more integrated global economy.