As a professional, I understand the importance of using language that is clear, concise, and effective. In today`s fast-paced digital age, it`s more important than ever to communicate clearly and efficiently, especially when it comes to business agreements.

One phrase that often appears in business agreements is “this is existing in the agreement I typed.” This phrase can be confusing to those who are not well-versed in legal jargon, and it`s important to understand what it means and how to use it properly.

Essentially, when someone says “this is existing in the agreement I typed,” they are referring to a specific clause or provision that has already been written into the document. This phrase is often used to clarify that a particular term or condition is already in the agreement, and there is no need to reiterate it or negotiate it further.

For example, let`s say you are negotiating a contract with a vendor for your company. During the negotiation process, you agree on several terms, such as the price, delivery schedule, and payment terms. Once the negotiations are complete, the vendor sends you the final agreement, which includes all of the terms you agreed upon.

If you review the agreement and see that all of the agreed-upon terms are present, you might say something like, “This is existing in the agreement I typed.” This would indicate that you have reviewed the document and confirmed that all of the terms you negotiated are included.

Using this phrase can be helpful in avoiding misunderstandings or disputes later on. By acknowledging that the terms are already included in the agreement, you are making it clear to the other party that you have reviewed and approved the document, and there is no need for further negotiations or changes.

However, it`s important to use this phrase properly and in the right context. If there are terms that you agreed upon during negotiations but that are not reflected in the written agreement, you should bring this to the other party`s attention and work to resolve the issue.

In addition, if you are unsure whether a particular term is included in the agreement, it`s best to ask for clarification rather than assuming that it is already there. This can help avoid confusion and ensure that both parties are on the same page.

In conclusion, “this is existing in the agreement I typed” is a useful phrase that can help clarify that all of the agreed-upon terms are already included in a business agreement. By using this phrase properly and in the right context, you can help avoid misunderstandings and ensure that both parties are satisfied with the final document.