IFA Service Level Agreement: Ensuring the Best Services for Clients

Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) play a crucial role in helping their clients manage their financial affairs. They provide personalized investment and financial advice, which can often lead to significant gains for clients. However, in the absence of any regulatory body or oversight, IFAs must take extra precautions to ensure that their services are of the highest standard.

One of the ways IFAs can guarantee the quality of their services is by signing a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with their clients. An SLA is a contract between an IFA and their client that outlines the level of service the client should expect from the IFA and the timeframe in which the IFA commits to delivering that service.

Why is an SLA important for IFAs?

An SLA ensures that all parties involved are on the same page in terms of expectations. It enables IFAs to deliver consistent, high-quality services to their clients. In addition, by providing a clear and concise description of the services they offer, IFAs can avoid any misunderstandings or miscommunications that could lead to potential legal disputes.

Moreover, an SLA helps establish a professional and transparent relationship between an IFA and their client. It sets out the obligations and responsibilities of both parties and outlines any penalties or consequences for failing to meet those obligations.

What should an IFA SLA include?

An IFA SLA should be customized to meet the individual needs of the IFA and their clients. However, there are certain key elements that should be included in any IFA SLA:

1. Scope of services: This section should outline the specific services that the IFA will provide to the client. It should also detail the frequency and method of communication between the IFA and the client.

2. Performance measures: This section should specify the performance measures that the IFA will use to evaluate their service quality. For example, it may include a target response time for emails or a percentage of client satisfaction.

3. Service levels: This section should outline the level of service that the IFA commits to providing to the client. This may include turnaround times for requests or the level of access the client can expect to their IFA.

4. Penalties for non-performance: This section should outline the penalties or consequences for failing to meet the service levels outlined in the SLA. It may include a refund of fees or a discount on future services.

5. Termination: This section should detail the circumstances under which the SLA can be terminated. It should also include any notice periods required for termination.


An IFA SLA is an essential tool for ensuring that IFAs provide high-quality and consistent services to their clients. It establishes clear and transparent expectations between the IFA and the client and enables both parties to avoid any misunderstandings or miscommunications. By customizing an SLA to meet the individual needs of their clients, IFAs can build professional and transparent relationships with their clients that benefit both parties.